Track PDF documents & files: track PDF opens or views & prints

Track PDF opens (views) and prints and see how your PDF documents are being used.

Securely track PDF files – stop document tracking from being removed and know with certainty who is viewing them.

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Securely & Digitally Track PDF Files

Track PDF opens & prints with Safeguard Enterprise PDF security software

How to track PDF opening & printing

Right-click on your PDFs in Windows File Explorer and select the menu option ‘Make Secure PDF‘ to invoke Safeguard Secure PDF Writer.

In Safeguard Enterprise Secure PDF Writer, go to the Printing & Viewing tab:

  1. To track PDF opens, check the box ‘log document views’
  2. To track PDF prints (printing must be allowed), check the box ‘log print requests’

PDF Tracker Software

Using Enterprise PDF DRM Security software, you can track PDF documents to see who has opened (viewed) and printed them.

Tracking PDF files & logging document use has never been easier.

Videos: Tracking PDF opens and prints

How to digitally track PDF opening and printing with Safeguard Enterprise.

Tracking PDF Files: how does it work?

Tracking PDF document use always sounds like a really neat idea. When you track a PDF it should tell you who opened or printed a document, when it was, and where they did it. At least in theory.

Why Track PDF documents?

There are normally three reasons for wanting document tracking:

  1. Marketing analysis – determine which are the most popular PDF documents in terms of how often users read them rather than just numbers sold. If you are tracking PDF opens, then you can see if a document is opened lots of times by the same person.
  2. Authorized use – did someone unauthorized try to open a document, or did an authorized person open it from a ‘strange’ location? When you have a question about document distribution, you can use document tracking to see where they went.
  3. Compliance – management standards such as ISO9000 have a requirement that documents have not simply been produced and distributed. Tracking PDFs helps you to demonstrate full compliance with standards and regulations.

How to implement PDF Tracking

To track PDF opens you have two choices. You could use either a:

  1. page server, handing individual pages down to a client
  2. reporting server, which relays from the client when a user opens a document (and maybe when it closes, but most likely not).

The first thing to understand when tracking PDF documents is that you are forcing recipients to always be online. The technology used to track PDF opens needs to ‘phone home’ to tell you what is happening.

For a business proposition this could be a disaster. Many people need offline access to documents, but a PDF tracker cannot see that. As a result, tracking PDF ebooks and magazines may not be such a good idea.

Tracking a PDF document and privacy issues

Privacy is becoming a bigger issue. In many countries, you must register what it is that you intend to collect if it relates to personal information – and in the EU the opinion is that anything linking a person to an IP address is personal data. You also have to register what you will use the data for, and ask the consumer for their informed consent to track PDF opens, views and prints. So you may have to set up a raft of policies and procedures before you can track PDF use.

This does not apply to business users, but it may be a fine point. Plenty of institutions, such as banks, do not, as a matter of policy, allow PDF tracking of documents used internally. Some PDF tracker products cannot be used in those environments.

Tracking PDF documents and identifying users

Finally, when tracking a PDF file, who is the recipient?

On a home PC or a laptop, it is whoever is using it, though you don’t know who is actually sitting in front of the screen (unless proctoring software is installed, which is used to prevent cheating in online exams, tests, and courses). For mobile devices, people are generally relaxed about letting others use them, so you may not be tracking what you think.

Secure data room systems that provide document tracking don’t really identify the user – they just identify a login. Users can share their login details with others, so you have no idea who you are really tracking. Some systems such as Digify or DocSend, automaticaly remove tracking if you let users download or print documents.

Tracking a PDF by IP or email address

It is useful to know where the PDF document is that is being tracked – this can give you a clue if it is being shared with others.

Some theories say you can track PDF documents by IP address, but that doesn’t mean much if you’re seeing an ISP with thousands of customers. Users also regularly change IP addresses, use a proxy to mask their real IP address, or can use a VPN to share the same IP address with others.

Similarly, PDF tracking by email address is hampered if it’s not a company email address, since many people use freemail accounts to avoid identification and can share generic email accounts with others.

Tracking PDF downloads

Rather than protecting the document itself, some prefer to track PDF downloads. There are various ways of doing this and they’re usually quite easy to integrate into a website. You can track the IP address a user downloads from (though this can be bypassed with a VPN), or make them sign in to an account to download a PDF and log the activity with their name and email that way.

Of course, this is really just a more limited way to perform the IP or email address tracking mentioned above and has the same pitfalls. This time, it has an even bigger flaw, though — if the document isn’t protected in some other way, the user can just share the first copy they downloaded with others, bypassing any download logging.

So, download logging is mostly useful for analytics purposes: knowing how many times users download each product for marketing or server bandwidth reasons.